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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Menu Change 29/01/2025 - Chinese day to celebrate Chinese New Year The menu will be: chicken curry, sweet and sour chicken, salt and chili chicken with noodles/rice/chips. | Update contact information It is important that the information we hold for your child is accurate and up to date.  Please check the Parent Area on the school website for further information.
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Board of Governors

Mrs Joanne McDonald


Finance Committee

Recruitment and Selection

Ms Laura Spratt Foundation Governor
Mr Ryan Falls

Foundation Governor

Recruitment and Selection

Finance Committee

To be appointed Foundation Governor
Mr Daniel Taylor

Foundation Governor- Parent

Recruitment and Selection

Health and Safety

Curriculum Governor

Mr Robin Steenson Foundation Governor- Parent
Mrs Jamie McGurk

Elected Parent

Acting Designated Governor for Child Protection

Recruitment and Selection

Mrs Denise Lynch

Elected Parent

SEN Governor

Mr Paul Crowe

Elected Parent

Curriculum Governor

Mr Campbell Toal

Elected Parent

Acting Chair of Board of Governors


Mrs Zoe Gavero

Elected Teacher  


Mrs Sharon Cleary 

Elected Teacher


Mr Chris Hazlett

DENI Representative

Designated Governor for Child Protection

Mrs Yvonne Halliday


DENI Representative

Finance Committee

Recruitment and Selection


Mr Bryan McLaughlin

DENI Representative

Recruitment and Selection

Curriculum Governor

To Be appointed DENI Representative
Mrs Sandra Ferguson Principal (non-voting)
Mrs Samantha Ross  Vice-Principal (non-voting)
Mrs Sarah Carson co-opted