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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
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Windmill's New 30 Years Anniversary Ceramic art piece.

28th Jun 2018

30 Years Anniversary

To celebrate our 30 Years Anniversary, all of our children from Nursery to Primary 7 had the opportunity to work alongside a ceramic artist, Mrs Shauna McCann to create two large ceramic murals.

1st Mural- ‘Children are at the Heart of Windmill’-

Nursery and Primary 1 children created their handprints out of clay and glazed them using ‘BOLD’ colours. Primary 2 and Primary 3 children made a self-portrait out of clay. These self- portraits were placed in a Heart shape with the handprints placed around the edge.

2nd Mural-

The Pupil Council met with the ceramic artist , Mrs Shauna McCann to generate ideas for the project. AS our school is celebrating 30 years one of the children mentioned that we should place an oyster with a pearl in the centre of the piece as Pearl means 30 years.

The mural is going to be in the shape of the Windmill logo and will depict all of the different opportunities available to the pupils for eg French, Music, Football, Numeracy etc. It will be displayed outside the Assembly Hall for everyone to see.

Both murals look absolutely fantastic and we have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside Mrs Shauna MCann.