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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Update contact information It is important that the information we hold for your child is accurate and up to date.  Please check the Parent Area on the school website for further information. | Christmas Dinner -Thursday 12th December If you would like your child to have Christmas dinner in school please book it by Thursday 28th November at the latest.  A letter with more information can be found under the Parent Area of the school website.  Thank you.
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Windmill's 1980s Disco

19th Nov 2018

Thank you to everyone within the Windmill community and those from further afield that made the 80's night such a great success. 

To everyone who donated prizes for the raffle, helped decorate, came on the night and filled the dance floor or supported the event in anyway we are truly grateful.

We look forward to the next 30 years of Windmill IPS and hope it not only continues to grow as a school but also as a community where parents, friends and staff can come together and celebrate.

Although the night was more about celebration than fund raising we did make just over £400 profit.  This will go to support the children within the school at a time when continued cuts within the education system makes even basic necessities hard to obtain.