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Sustrans Home Activities- 2nd Challenge

6th Apr 2020

Good morning all


We’re back with our second instalment of Sustrans Home Activities to keep the kids busy! This week, I’m sending you a short video from Ronan, our Schools Officer in the North West. Ronan likes keeping everyone active, but he’s also included a wee bit of maths, some geography, some mapping, and a sport of history all wrapped up in a fun themed activity for the whole family.


You may have spotted various people on social media in recent days summiting their staircases multiple times to climb the equivalent of Everest / Mont Blanc / Slemish, etc. That’s the general gist of Ronan’s activity,


You can access Ronan’s intro video here:


The video blurb contains a link to a downloadable pdf activity sheet with all the info parents & kids need to do this activity. I’ve also attached this, and you can send it separately if preferred.


Please feel free to use this activity in your timetable for remote homework, or share with your colleagues and send to pupils & families through your normal parent communications apps. You are welcome to share on your school website if required.


We’d love you to share any photos, stories, quotes, etc, that are generated by these activities – you’ll find us on Facebook and Twitter. Please use #StayHomeStayActive.


Thank you for all the work that you are doing supporting families, whether through provision of home-schooling materials, or looking after the children of key workers. You’re all brilliant.


We’ll be off next week for Easter, but will be back after that with another Sustrans activity. Hope you all enjoy a good break over the holidays, unusual as they are this year.


Keep well.




Emma Keenan

Delivery Manager, Schools & Workplaces | Sustrans Northern Ireland

*Please note that I am currently working from home. Tel: 07788 365 053


Ground Floor | 20 Adelaide Street | Belfast | BT2 8GD

028 9043 4569 | 07788 365 053 | @SustransNI




Sustrans -2nd Challenge (6th Apr 2020) View download document