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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
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Sustrans- Week 7 activity

21st May 2020

Good afternoon


I hope you are all well, and have been enjoying the week. Apologies for being a little late sending out this week’s ‘Sustrans At Home’ online activity. This week I am attaching a ‘ICT Research’ activity from Johnny, our schools officer in the North East. This is a simple task for pupils to get online and learn a little more about some of the great cycling and walking routes in Northern Ireland, including those close to them. You’ll have noticed in recent weeks a real increase in the number of people out & about on bicycles with their families, so this is a great way for pupils to spot some new routes that they might be able to try out – as well as working on their research skills, route planning, etc.


I have attached the pdf resource for this activity, and you can view the accompanying explanatory video here: Please feel free to share these resources through your school networks.


Best wishes




Emma Keenan

Delivery Manager, Schools & Workplaces | Sustrans Northern Ireland

*Please note that I am currently working from home. Tel: 07788 365 053


Ground Floor | 20 Adelaide Street | Belfast | BT2 8GD

028 9043 4569 | 07788 365 053 | @SustransNI