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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
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Parent Information Sessions in relation to the PATHS PROGRAMME

13th Mar 2023

We are a PATHS® School

 From September, we have been implementing an exciting new PDMU linked programme, PATHS® with all classes and throughout our school community.

PATHS® stands for Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies and is a highly recognised and evidence-based programme which is designed to facilitate the development of self-control, emotional awareness and interpersonal problem-solving skills.

To help support us in the whole school implementation of PATHS®, we have our very own PATHS® Coach, Roisin Paskin from Barnardo’s NI. Roisin visits us throughout the year and works alongside our teachers, classroom assistants, lunchtime supervisors and pupils.

For your opportunity to find out more, we have planned to hold a Parents’ Information Session on

Tuesday 14th March

 from 1.30pm to 2:00pm for P1 & P2 parents

 and 2:30pm to 3:00pm for parents of P3-P7 pupils

This meeting will be held initially in the ICT suite.

You will be able to collect your child straight after the meeting.

 Our PATHS® coach will be leading this session in sharing the PATHS® strategies, curriculum teaching and benefits of this programme.

To find out more in the meantime you can visit the PATHS® UK website: of follow PATHS UK on Facebook: @pathseducationuk and Twitter Feed: @PATHSEdUK

We would appreciate if you could confirm your attendance by:

- sending a message via the Communication slip which you will find within the Parents area on the Windmillips app,

­- sending a message via Seesaw and/or Google classroom

and /or

-by emailing Mrs Ferguson on