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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
New Menu 17th February - 30 June 2025 A new school meals menu is available.  This menu will cover the rest of the school year. | Update contact information It is important that the information we hold for your child is accurate and up to date.  Please check the Parent Area on the school website for further information. | Another supplier of uniform for Windmill Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit. Please find attached flyer for newly approved uniform supplier for Windmill Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit; 369Uniforms | School Uniform Information We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.  Please login to SCHOOL TRENDS and search for our school using our school postcode BT717BE or find the uniform link on our school website contained within the Parents Information Booklets in the Parents Area.    
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Parent Representatives to Board of Governors

6th Feb 2020

I would make a plea for parents or friends of the school to consider becoming a governor. The Board of Governors work with the Principal and staff to set, monitor and evaluate the school’s aims and objectives, and help set the priorities and evaluate the progress of the school. The governors oversee the school budget and can act as a challenge and support for the Principal and staff. Being a governor gives you a voice and provides an opportunity to develop and strengthen your own skills. Being a governor is a valuable addition to a C.V. showing current and future employers a commitment to your own development.

Mrs Vivien Kelly

Chairperson of BoG