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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Menu Change 29/01/2025 - Chinese day to celebrate Chinese New Year The menu will be: chicken curry, sweet and sour chicken, salt and chili chicken with noodles/rice/chips. | Update contact information It is important that the information we hold for your child is accurate and up to date.  Please check the Parent Area on the school website for further information.
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Lots of fun in nursery.

28th Sep 2020

All the children have settled into nursery very easily this September and are now all one big class of 27 children. They will be staying for 3 hours for the next two weeks before starting dinners and the full day.

So far they have learned a lot - how to find the first letter of their name to hang up on our letter tree, where to find their rain clothes and how to get them on & off. They have enjoyed exploring in the forest area of the playground and climbing over the many obstacles. They are very good at taking turns and using the timers to make sure everyone gets a turn.

They have planted some bulbs around the playground and in pots to take home and are enjoying having snack inside in the hallway. We have little tea lights in jam jars instead of the big lights on to make the space cosier and calmer. 

Well done to all the children and their parents for working hard to make settling in such a success this year.