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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Christmas Dinner -Thursday 12th December If you would like your child to have Christmas dinner in school please book it by Thursday 28th November at the latest.  A letter with more information can be found under the Parent Area of the school website.  Thank you.
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ICT in the nursery.

15th Jun 2016

I received a place on a workshop through the British Council in Oslo from 2nd of June to spend 2 full days & 2 half days engaging with other early years professionals from Norway, Denmark, Malta & Czech Republic. The premise behind the training was to try & get all the participants (46) to go home with not only new ICT ideas & skills but to have found an eTwinning partner. (eTwinning is an on line project between a minimum of 2 schools)

It is great to actually meet up with colleagues before embarking on a project.
From the very first session, I knew this was going to be a great workshop, Peter from Denmark, shared loads of easy ideas to get the youngest children using ICT to aquire new skills or reinforce new knowledge. It wasn't about children all having access to an individual tablet or device or playing loads of games but about learning how to take photos, how to classify photos or justify what they have taken etc.
Over the 4 days we go to test out lots of different apps & resources & more importantly, to chat to each other about how ICT is integrated into our curriculums. We also had time to listen to some colleagues talking about their practice.

Since I have been back, the children have had so much fun using the iPads to document their favourite things in the playground, colours or just created a guessing game based on shoes! 5 children & I also made a very short movie using StopMotion. I honestly hadn't though this was something nursery children could do until I saw some of the movies coming out of the Norwegian kindergartens.

I also set up a project for next year with a Danish kindergarten, called My World - Min Varten & it will be interesting to compare our set ups & exchange ideas & photos. (Mrs Corr)