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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
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A fabulous Art exhibition and evening of song, music and dance  at the Hill of the O'Neill,

6th Nov 2024
A fabulous Art exhibition and evening of song, music and dance  at the Hill of the O'Neill, celebrated the diversity of cultures within Windmill and some of our local primary and secondary schools.
Over 500 people attended the event which was held at the Outdoor Space on the Hill of the O'Neill. Last year our current Primary 6 pupils worked alongside Howard Primary School, Gaelscoil Aodha Rua and Blessed Patrick O'Loughrans to write a song about Dungannon. The schools performed this song on the night under the guidance of Malachi Cush.
Our current P6 pupils wrote a story entitled 'Windmill Jungle' which was displayed on the night. It is now taking up pride of place in our reception area.
Well done to everyone involved. It was a fantastic night. Sincere thanks is extended to Mr Ryan Curry , Vice-Principal of ST. Patrick's College Dungannon for co-ordinating all the schools involved and to Radius Housing, Apex Housing Association and Choice Housing who supported the event. Each of our Primary 6 pupils received a pencil case filled with stationery. which was an lovely kind gesture.