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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
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News Archive

2015/2016 School Year

28th Jun 2016
Congratulations to our 1st prize raffle winner Philip Junk. Who won this beautiful...
27th Jun 2016
Just look at the big boys and girls in nursery on their Graduation Day.
27th Jun 2016
A brilliant night was had by everyone on Friday night at our school fete. Well Done!...
21st Jun 2016
Dear Parent, just a wee reminder that the P.2. S.R. Assembly is on this Friday 24th...
20th Jun 2016
P6 have been enjoying a series of dance lessons organised by Antfrique movements...
17th Jun 2016
Well done to these three girls on winning the Design a Fete Poster competition.
15th Jun 2016
I received a place on a workshop through the British Council in Oslo from 2nd of...
14th Jun 2016
Primary One had an astronomical adventure at the Planetarium on Friday 10th June....
13th Jun 2016
P.2. have been enjoying playing outside in the beautiful sunshine. Look at how busy...