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Mindfulness for Teachers

21st Mar 2022

Mindfulness for Teachers

On Sunday 6th March Mrs Creggan, Mrs Tate, Mrs Donnelly and Mrs Sloan headed to take part in a course mindfulness for teachers a hands on approach. The course was run by Europass Teachers Academy and funded by Erasmus Project. There were 12 teachers on the course 2 from Spain, 3 from Portugal, 1 from Italy, 1 from Croatia and 1 Hungry.

On Monday each group shared a presentation of their Culture and their School. We then got an Introduction into the course and schedules for the week, including history of mindfulness and the science behind it.

On Tuesday we looked at using mindfulness in schools for teachers and children, how to get staff and children focused and ready to teach and learn. Techniques like, deep breathing, relaxing to clear the mind, even the benefits of silent walking and listening.

On Wednesday we focused on how to switch off to switch on. This showed us by switching off phones and computers for even 30 minutes per day it allows us to work better and concentrate more. We looked at tips and techniques for getting ready to sleep and the benefits of power naps. We then used yoga mats to practice deep breathing and mindfulness.

On Thursday a gentleman called Canice Kennedy a Sports Psychologist took the class our topic was Mindful Munchies, which looked at food how it effects our mind and body and our sleep patterns. We then looked at Mindful Movements concentrating on exercise planned and not planned.

We then had a mindful tasting session where we looked at food in detail from texture, describing food to the smell and taste of it.

On Friday we recapped on our week and each group talked about ways in which we would take what we had learned back to the work place.

In this group session we got ideas from other Countries on how they do things, which would also benefit us.

Mindfulness for Teachers

We are hoping to use Mindfulness to calm the children this year before they do their GL Assessments.